
“The Thermal Grease that your
PC has been Begging for”
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In order to better serve the various markets around the world, Iceberg Thermal is rebranding the name of its Thermal Grease line to FUZEIce®. This is only a name change and not a change in the products functionality or capabilities. This change in name should take effect immediately. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through our website.
Low Temperature with
High Thermal Conductivity
Evenly spread layers of thermal grease with a high thermal conductivity of 13 W/mK, ensures high-efficiency heat transfer, allowing for higher clock speeds, and keeping your system in peak condition.
No Spatula?
No Problem!
Precision Applicator and Angled Spreader Combination designed with Ease of Use in mind. Making it simple to apply with less mess.
FUZEIce® Plus can handle up to 200°C and last for years!
There’s no grease like
FUZEIce® Plus
No Fuss, No Muss, No Problem