The heat pipe is generally a hollow cylindrical pipe, a part of which is filled with liquid that is easy to evaporate. The vacuum state is always maintained in the tube, and the evaporation temperature of the liquid in it is close to the ambient temperature. When the heat is absorbed by the volatile layer, the liquid is quickly heated to the boiling point, and then begins to boil, producing steam, and the steam rises to the cooling layer. When the heat is released, the steam recondenses into droplets due to gravity or other The internal effect of the droplets is to return to the volatile layer, continue to be evaporated, and then be cooled, which forms a cyclical cycle, which promotes this cycle is the heat source, which is the principle of the heat pipe process. Heat pipes have extremely high thermal conductivity and good isothermal properties. The heat transfer area on both sides of the cold and heat can be changed arbitrarily, heat can be transferred over a long distance, and temperature can be controlled. In the early days of its birth, it was mainly used in aerospace, military and other industries. Industries such as metallurgy, chemical industry, transportation, machinery and electronic technology have been widely used. Now, heat pipes have become the mainstream configuration components for high-end PC heat dissipation on the market. Compared with traditional metal radiators, heat pipe radiators have the technical advantages of low noise and high performance. As the technology continues to mature and large-scale production applications, heat The price of catheters is becoming more and more acceptable.

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